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CORTEVA álláshirdetés: Category Marketing Manager for Herbicides

Corteva Agriscience

Currently we are looking for Category Marketing Manager for Herbicides based in Hungary, Budaörs office. The role reports to the Country Marketing Leader, Hungary.

Category Marketing Manager for Herbicides

Corteva Agriscience™, the world’s first dedicated agriculture start-up, serves to enrich the lives of those who produce and those who consume, ensuring progress for generations to come. Our employees fulfill this purpose everyday by building/participating in an inclusive culture where we encourage each other to stay curious, think differently, act boldly and do what’s right for our customers, our co-workers, our partners and our planet. With over 20,000 team members from 130 countries, innovating in 140 world class R&D facilities, we have the resources, leadership heritage and partner ecosystem to make a meaningful impact now and into the future.


Currently we are looking for Category Marketing Manager for Herbicides based in Hungary, Budaörs office. The role reports to the Country Marketing Leader, Hungary.

Learn how you can be our voice in the conversation about the future of agriculture.

You Will:

Develop and implement product / portfolio strategies, lifecycle management among crops, based on customer needs and regional asset strategies to maximize sales, market share, and profit margins for the given products

Create tactical implementations of marketing plan, positioning and demand planning for new product launches and for existing products

Support and monitor the implementation of Product Stewardship, Branding and other corporate policies/principles are followed

Your Challenge:

·        Analyze various market segments, grower insights, product feedbacks and competitive dynamics to identify market trends, threats or new business opportunities and reflecting customer needs.

·        Develop and implement product strategies, scheduling projects, price developments, label extensions and licensing-in opportunities over the lifecycle of the assigned portfolio in close relationship with European Product Managers and in accordance with regional business strategies

·        Lead cross functional Local Product Concept Teams to define new project requirements, to build business case, to describe strategic priorities, define product attributes, to design value proposition and create sales argumentation.

·        Coordination of project development, registration strategy and demo trials with local and regional R&D team

·        Define product prices based on regional guidance, market research and anticipated demand

·        Contribute to demand planning and ensuring product availability to deliver sales forecasts and financial goals

·        Provide annual marketing plans for the given products and monitors them, track performance of products versus plan (prices and volumes vs PO, project stage reviews), investigate significant deviations, and recommend corrective action as necessary

·        Serve as a product expert for assigned portfolio; provide training support for sales team and become the go-to person for all functional issues as well as handling customer complains

·        Partner with sales teams on interaction with growers for symposiums, field events and other local face-to-face promotional activities

·        Write and supervises all written documentation of the given products (articles, label, brochures, advertising)


Hungary, Budaörs office

 To Grow What Matters, You Will Need

·        Graduate of the University of Agriculture with a master’s degree or engineering degree, primarily in Plant Protection / Agriculture Chemistry. Additional degree in marketing / phytopathology is advantage.

·        At least 3 years of experience in the Agribusiness industry. In crop protection, marketing, product management, development or commercial function, would be a plus.

·        Strong knowledge of the plant protection market, especially in in terms of the assigned product portfolio.

·        Good understanding of operational planning as well as product development processes.

·        Ability to successfully create, launch and manage brands.

·        Strong analytical skills in market research, including economic analysis.

·        Customer-oriented attitude

·        Team player who can influence others

·        Problem solver with proactive approach

·        Outstanding communication, presentation skills / Excellent written and verbal communication skills

·        Superb time management skills and attention to deadlines

·        Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office tools

·        Fluent in Hungarian and very good command in English

Who Are We Looking For?

·        Curious, bold thinkers who want to grow their careers and be part of a winning team​

·        Market shaping individuals who want to transform the agriculture industry to meet the world’s growing need for food​

·        Collaborators who thrive in a diverse, inclusive work environment​

·        Innovators who bring initiative and fresh ideas that drive our business into the future and make us an industry leader

 Growing What Matters Starts With You… What We Can Offer To Help You Grow?

·        Opportunity to be part of a global industry leader working to discover solutions to the most pressing

agricultural challenges of our time​

·        Challenging work assignments that grow your skills, capabilities and experiences​

·        Opportunities for international rotations and relocation that will expand your global view and cultural experience​

·        Diverse, inclusive work environment where employees bring their whole selves to work and feel heard, valued and empowered​

·        Dedicated and customized resources to help grow your professional skills, industry expertise and personal perspectives.

·        Joining us is a natural opportunity to strengthen your professional network through valuable relationships.

·        Support the health and well-being of every employee by offering world-class benefits, meaningful work and competitive salary

·        Performance driven culture with a strong focus on speed, efficiency and agility​

IN case of interest & if you feel you’re fit, please apply via THIS LINK!

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